Coronavirus COVID-19 Update
Post date: Mar 17, 2020 3:28:38 AM
Families and guests of Troop 50, please read in full the below email from our Scoutmaster this afternoon.
The public schools in Delaware are closed until May 15th. Similarly, Troop 50 is unable to meet at Ebenezer until May 15, 2020. Therefore, you will begin to see everyone moving to an online format. Earlier this week, we tested out the Zoom software and successfully held several meetings. This is what we will be rolling out for broader use with Troop, Committee, PLC, Patrol, and Patrol Advisor meetings; online merit badge classes; Scoutmaster Conferences and Review Board meetings. Zoom is very easy to use, and we will be offering some basic training to the scouts and adult leaders this week. There are also some helpful tutorials at
Dear Troop 50 Leaders and Parents,
Based on developing information and consultation with our charter sponsor, Ebenezer United Methodist Church, please note that THE CANCELLATION OF ALL IN-PERSON TROOP 50 ACTIVITIES HAS BEEN EXTENDED THROUGH MARCH 31, 2020.
Yours in the service of scouting,
Jim Smith, Scoutmaster