Coronavirus - COVID-19 Troop Update #2
Post date: Mar 15, 2020 9:13:34 PM
Families and guests of Troop 50, please read in full the below email from our Scoutmaster this afternoon.
Dear Troop 50 Leaders and Parents,
Thank you for your continued support while we actively monitor the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on the nation and our community. Although the number of reported suspected instances of the virus appears to be low in Delaware, we are learning that the numbers are increasing in neighboring states and hearing that the actual number infected in Delaware may be higher due to the lag in receiving test results and/or the hesitancy of some to be tested.
Over the past 36 hours, we have seen the public schools, churches, other youth organizations, and even BSA districts, troops, and packs suspend their meetings and other activities. After considering the latest reports from health care professionals, and in consultation with our charter representative Ebenezer United Methodist Church, ALL TROOP 50 MEETINGS AND CAMPOUTS WILL BE CANCELED THROUGH FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020.
We will continue to monitor this pandemic and evaluate our ability to resume activities on a weekly basis. In the event that we need to extend our hiatus, we will explore other opportunities to hold such things as Scoutmaster Conferences, Board Review Meetings, Committee meetings, and other events in a virtual setting such as Skype or Go To Meeting. The scouts are being encouraged to use their time off from school and scouts to work on rank and merit badge requirements and to meet virtually with their patrols through Skype or similar free internet service.
Ensuring that scouts and scout leaders are safe while attending scout functions is our primary responsibility and concern. We will continue to monitor the reports and guidance provided by our governments and medical professionals and keep you informed as to when we can safely resume scout activities.
Yours in the service of scouting,
Jim Smith, Scoutmaster