Welcome to Troop 50 Newark, DE.

Home to 181 Eagle Scouts!

Chartered by:

Ebenezer United Methodist Church525 Polly Drummond Hill RoadNewark, DE 19711

Troop 50 Mission Statement

    Our goal is to fulfill the mission of the Boy Scouts of America in the youth in the Pike Creek area of New Castle County, Delaware. We strive to develop in our boys a character of respect, fitness, and self-reliance so that they can be contributing citizens to society. The primary character we aim for is outlined by three duties of a Scout, as stated in the Boy Scout Oath. These are: Duty to God and Country, Duty to Others, and Duty to Self. The three duties are fulfilled by adherence to the 12 points of the Scout Law: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

    To attain these goals, Troop 50 conducts an active and varied monthly camping program, long-term summer camp, and high-adventure program. We operate by the Patrol Method, in which boys practice good citizenship by electing and following their own leaders. An outstanding staff of trained adult volunteers teach leadership skills and guide the boy leaders of the Troop.

    Weekly Troop meetings are planned, developed, and carried out by the boys to meet the specific objectives of the Troop. These are to teach necessary skills, to promote physical, mental, and emotional fitness, and service to others.

How Does Troop 50 Succeed


We are a Troop led by boys under the guidance of adults. The boys plan, develop, and implement the Troop's program as voted on by (you guessed it) - the boys. Junior leaders instruct other boys in the skills of scouting, give leadership in activities ranging from simple games, to camping trip meals, to complex outings - all under the careful guidance of trained adult leaders.

Cub Scout Pack 50

    Cub Scout Pack 50 has been formed! CLICK HERE to visit the website.

When do we meet:

Where we meet:

This Month's Items

February 2024

Next Month's Items

March 2024

Service Opportunities

Live Twitter Feed


Camp Cooking

This page has recipes and techniques shared by current and past members. We also keep looking for more content to add. You can email the troop to add your own additions.

T50 Virtual Cookout

During the Covid pandemic, in an effort to keep camp cooking alive, Troop 50 started the virtual cookout. Take a look at what our scouts did!